Transitions for 3/4" flooring
Finish Species Distressing   Transition Mouldings Catalog

Species | click image to see hardness rating

Standard | common woods readily available.
Ash (Fraxinus) Oleaceae
Hardness Rating: 1320
Cypress(Cupressaceae) Conifer
Hardness Rating: 1375
Australian Cypress
Beech (Fagus) Deciduous
Hardness Rating: 1300
birch (Betula)
Hardness Rating: 1260
Cherry (P. avium)
Hardness Rating: 950
Hickory (Carya glabra)
Hardness Rating: 1820
Jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril) also called Brazilian or South American Cherry,South American Locust, stinking toe, and Brazilian Copal
Hardness Rating: 2350
Lyptus (
Hardness Rating: 1125
Merbau (Intsia bijuga) also known as Ipil
Hardness Rating: 1925
Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)
Hardness Rating: 1820
Phillipine Mahogany (Toona calantas)
Hardness Rating: 2697
Philippine Mahogany
Red Alder (Alnus rubra)
Hardness Rating: 590
Alder (Red)
Birch (Betula lenta) also known as Black Birch, Cherry Birch, Mahogany Birch, River Birch, or Spice Birch
Hardness Rating: 1470
Red Birch
Red Oak (Quercus rubra) also known as Northern Red Oak or Champion Oak
Hardness Rating:1290
Red Oak
Santos Maogany (Myroxylon balsamum) also known as Balsamo, Cabriziva,Cedro chino, Chirraca, Estroaque, Incienso, Nabal, Palo de balsamo, Sanalo, Tache, and Tolu
Hardness Rating: 2200
Santos Mahogany
Soft Maple (Acer saccharinum) also known as the silver maple (also occasionally the creek maple, river maple, silverleaf maple, soft maple, water maple, or white maple)
Hardness Rating: 700
Soft Maple
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) also known as American walnut
Hardness Rating: 1010
Walnut (Black)
White Oak (Quercus alba)
Hardness Rating: 1360
White Oak
Exotics | rare woods with limited availability
Cabreuva (Myocarpus fastigiatus) also known as Santos Mahogany
Hardness Rating: 2200
Doussie (Afzelia xylocarpa) also known as Afzelia, and pod mahogany
Hardness Rating: 1810
Hevea (Hevea brasiliensis)
Hardness Rating: 995
Iroko (Chlorophora excelsa) also known as African Teak
Hardness Rating: 1260
Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis)
Hardness Rating: 1710
Lapacho(Tabebuia spp) also know as Amapa prieta,Ipê, Poui, trumpet trees and pau d'arco
Hardness Raiting: 3684
Pradoo (Pterocarpus macrocarpus) also known as Burma Padauk
Hardness Rating: 2170
Royal Mahogany (Pithecellobium, arboreum)
Hardness Rating: 1400
Royal Mahogany
Rosewood  (Dalbergia nigra) also know as Bahia Rosewood, Brazilian Rosewood, Rio Rosewood, Jacarandá De Brasil, Pianowood, Caviuna, and Obuina
Hardness Rating: 1780
Southern Chestnut (Castanea dentata)
Hardness Rating: 540
Southern Chestnut
Distressing and Color Matching

In the hardwood flooring industry most transition and moulding manufacturers take the easy road in material production. Using the adage “it’s within industry standard”, they cut corners by using generic profiles that are not a good match to the tongue and groove, a single species to “BLEND” with several others, or a stain color that is “SIMILAR” to many. This happens even with companies that claim that they use the exact species or color.

Millwork Concepts does not follow this “industry standard”. We know that our customers want their product manufactured to their “EXACT” specifications, not ours. We can match ANY flooring manufacturer profile, tongue and groove, color, distressing, and species. We also know that products that match eliminate call backs, saving you time and money.

Presently, we have colored and species matched most every hardwood floor manufacturers’ product available on the market. Should we not have your floor matched, all we require is 4 or 5 pieces of the product, showing the range of color and character, and we will match it within days using our state of the art stain matching process.

Millwork Concepts also knows that increasing your profit on every sale is of utmost importance, and to this end we are the only major manufacturer in the industry that supplies matching pre finished vents and stair parts, or that will hand scrape or distress components to match the floor “EXACTLY” so that you can be the TOTAL solution for your customer. Click here to learn more about stair parts and vents.

Millwork Concepts…adding value that no one else can.